Start earning cash back today while shopping at your local retailers. Just scan your receipt, earn loyalty stars, and transfer your cash straight into your bank account! No need for choosing gift cards or waiting months for your payout, just simple cash back when you need it.With GitKash you can redeem deals at retailers you already shop at, you won’t have to do any extra work to start earning today. You may want to change things up and find a new local coffee shop or nail salon etc., simply search by category or location and find your new go to local retailer! How GitKash Works:Browse cash back deals in the appMake a purchase that fulfills the deal criteriaScan receiptTransfer your cash back without restrictions!Automatically enroll and gain loyalty stars Earn more when you refer a retailer:Do you often visit a local store and wish they were part of GitKash? Simply refer the business to us, by filling out a referral form in the app. Once they sign up, you’ll be eligible to earn a referral reward, up to $100! You can refer as many retailers as you want! You’re referral reward comes from the income the retailers earn from GitKash, encourage your network to shop at your referred stores to ensure you earn the full $100 reward! Loyalty points with every redemption:Every time you redeem a reward, you gain a loyalty star, just like a physical punch card. Fill up all the stars in a retailer’s loyalty program and you’ll earn the special cash back loyalty reward! Loyalty stars with GitKash are tracked automatically and always accessible within the app. We make it easy for you to earn rewards at your favorite local retailers! PrivacyPrivacy is of utmost importance. We do not track your location or keep a record of any locational data. We do not hold your bank account information, we use Stripe™ to facilitate fund transfers and verify our users identity.